Monday, October 25, 2010

Horray, I'm overweight too!

After reading the post about leaving the "obese" category (by BMI), and only being "overweight," I decided to compute mine too, and was similarly excited to discover the same result--I've just slipped into the overweight category instead of obese! It must sound silly to some, but for many of us, it's a significant milestone. Keep losing everyone!

Friday, October 15, 2010

I'm overweight--YEAH!

Overjoyed at being overweight may sound weird,but with my recent weight loss my BMI is out of the "obese" category and now I'm just "overweight". Sweet! Problem now is that none of my pants fit anymore. Good problem to have,actually.

This weekend marks the midway point of this contest. Best of luck during the second half.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Good work everyone!

Based on the numbers that were sent out last week, it looks as if many people are doing extremely well! I'm so proud of those >4% weight losses! I'm not doing that well, but I entered the contest in the spirit of living a healthier life. But kudos to those of you who are dropping the weight!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

First Results

I am getting anxious to see how everyone else fared these first four weeks! Overall, I am pretty happy with my progress. I had a bit of a slow start but feel like things are revving up now. Found a weight loss app for my ipod that is really helping me stay on track with my calories! I'm not so much focused on the prizes at the end of this but really like the competition factor!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Tips are GREAT

Thanks for the motivational tips posted! I hope everyone is making progress, even if it is just a little bit at a time. What helps me when I don't make much progress is "Rome wasn't built in a day, and my weight gain didn't happen in one day, either." So it stands to reason that the weight loss won't happen overnight.

Keep up the healthy work, everyone!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

targeted heart rate calculator.

We have posted a targeted heart rate chart at the top of the 192 stairs so you can keep track of your progress.  We have noticed a lot of you taking the opportunity to use this great way to exercise while at work.  Keep up the hard work. 

Jen and Janice

email sent

Hey Contestants,
This week we are at our first weigh-in.  Please email Jen Sarbacker with your percentages lost. Take the weight you lost divided by initial weight then times 100.  If you can't remember your exact initial weight you can just email Jen your current weight and she can figure it out. 
After the percentages have been calculated there will be an email sent,  so everyone will have the results.
There has been some negative feedback, regarding possibly cheating.  I think these are just rumors.  Hopefully for most this has been a positive contest.  I know personally I would have lost my motivation by now,  if it wasn't for this contest and some of the support I have gotten. ex: friends, family, other contestants, and the blog.
Lets keep up the drive towards a healthier tomorrow.
Janice and Jenni